Useful Phone Numbers and Links

Police (non-emergency): (301) 279-8000


Housing Code Enforcement: (240) 777-3785


Zoning Information: (240) 777-6240


Consumer Protection: (240) 777-3636


Building Permits and Inspection: (240) 777-6370


PEPCO: 1-877-737-2662


PEPCO Link for Outage Center:


Public Works: (240) 777-7170


Recycling: (240)777-0311


Government Officials: 


Congressman Jamie Raskin: (202) 225-5341


St. Delegate Ben Kramer: (301) 858-3485


St. Delegate Bonnie Cullison: (301) 358-3883


County Council Nancy Navarro: (240) 777-7968


Update Membership information and pay your dues:

The AGWG Civic Association represents the communities of Allanwood, Gayfields, Willson Hills and Gaywood Estates. Just by joining the AGWG Civic Association, you help make our neighborhood a nicer place. Your $30 annual dues support the Halloween and Fourth of July neighborhood parades/parties, mowing of the common grounds in Gayfields (known as the Triangle), spring/summer/fall social events and much more. If you're already a member, thank you; if you're not, please consider joining. You can pay via Venmo through the QR Code above. If you prefer to send a check via mail, please do so to:


AGWG Civic Association

c/o Tim Grahl

14507 Gilpin Road

Silver Spring, MD 20906

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© AGWG Civic Association